studio. showroom. store.​
The Show-Room of the fashion designer Keren Mizrachi is located in Hod-Hasharon and it is designed so that it allows the customer a glimpse into Keren’s world of fashion designing and modelling.
We have divided a space of 90 sqr meters into two sections: a studio and a retail shop.
Keren uses the studio as a place to design her fashion and the shop is used as the meeting point with the customer at the end of the process.
During the process of creating the concept of the place we have inquired and thoroughly learned Keren’s work of design and decided to expose interesting parts of it to the retail costumer.
We have softened the meeting point of the world of design and the world of retail by a round shape which enables the designer to choose which and how much to expose her private working areas.
We have created for her a large storage space which, too, is exposed to the customer in the area of the fitting rooms, keeping in mind the fact that as close as the customer gets to the piece of fashion so close does she get to the designer herself.
We have left a bare ceiling colored white which allowed us to maintain the height of the store and manage the exposure of the back areas to the costumer
We have chosen materials from the world of the fashion designing world such as fabric rolls as wall cladding, original fashion magazines which are hanging down from the ceiling of the studio and we created a wall made of Bobbin thread in the storage room which, too, is exposed to the customer in the fitting room.
We have chosen to surface the rest of the walls of the store in an industrial manner and look: bricks, Terrazzo floor all over the store and iron stands which are coming down directly from the original ceiling.
Photography: Gidon Levin
Branding: Tal Kleinbort